Services for processing wooden premises and furniture

Services for the treatment of wooden premises and furniture are a complex of works aimed at the destruction of harmful insects. Innovative technology makes it possible to quickly, effectively and permanently get rid of roaches, termites, bark beetles and ground beetles, and other xylophages. Disinsection works are carried out using a modern device - heat panels, which allows to destroy pests, both adults, eggs and larvae.

Thermal panels are used to process any wooden items: - floors; - houses; - furniture; - windows and doors; - stairs; - bookshelves; - storage. Thermal panels are a modular portable device consisting of 6 panels. Panels are easily adaptable, depending on the way they are used. They can be wrapped around the object or placed on the surface, connecting individual elements into a single canvas. Thermal panels produce heat in the far infrared range, the waves of which penetrate through wooden surfaces and affect the protein cells of pests. This causes dehydration of insects and their death. You can order professional services for processing wooden premises and furniture on the website of the Spetstekhnologiya online store. We offer a guarantee for the work performed, low prices for the processing procedure.

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