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Bird Spikes
Bird spikes - Plastic
Bird spikes - Metal

Bird Spikes
Bird spikes are a special device with long and sometimes sharp needles. Anti-perching spikes are installed on:
- building facades;
- building roofs;
- street lighting fixtures;
- balconies;
- advertising signs;
- other objects.
Anti-perching spikes prevent birds from landing on objects, which prevents them from becoming contaminated with droppings. In addition, these devices become an obstacle and prevent birds from building nests on them.
Anti-bird spikes are an effective repeller made of plastic. Plastic devices are a gentle method of protection against birds, since no harm is caused to the birds.
One of the advantages of bird repellent spikes, in addition to ease of use, is their simple installation. This protection is placed in the right place and fixed with special glue, screws, bolts or clamps.
After the tape with spikes is installed, the spikes are placed in the right direction (they are directed in the direction from which the birds fly). For example, on the floor of balconies from the outside or on the railings, the needles are straightened not towards the room, but away from it.
What are the differences between anti-perching spikes
The models of anti-perching devices against birds differ from each other:
- The size of the sections. Their length varies from 25 to 60 centimeters. Based on customer preferences, you can purchase one long section or several short ones.
- By the method of placing the needles. The spikes can be placed at a small distance from each other, or have a wide step. There are also systems with spikes located in several rows, with a fan-shaped end. Such devices provide reliable protection for large areas.
Purchase of anti-perching spikes
The company Spetstekhnologiya offers to buy anti-perching spikes for repelling birds at an affordable price. We offer protective devices from well-known European manufacturers, the high quality of which is guaranteed.
The models of bird spikes presented in our online store are characterized by:
- practicality;
- strength;
- long service life;
- resistance to damage;
- light weight.
You can order bird spikes on the website through the basket, or by contacting our manager by phone. We cooperate with clients from Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine.