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Magtoxin (tablets), 0,9kg

Magtoxin (tablets), 0,9kg

1,518.00 грн.
Phostoxin 1 kg

Phostoxin 1 kg

1,449.00 грн.


1,242.00 грн.
Phostoxin 45

Phostoxin 45

440.00 грн.
Degesch Plates

Degesch Plates

414.00 грн.
Degesch strips

Degesch strips

5,520.00 грн.


Fumigants are chemical preparations, the use of which helps protect the harvested grain crop, as well as planting seed material, from the effects of rodents and harmful insects.

Operation principle, purpose

Such preparations, by spraying into a gas or vapor state, penetrate the body of pests through the respiratory system. They disrupt all vital processes in the body of pests, resulting in the death of rodents and insects.

The main purpose of using fumigants in agriculture is the destruction of quarantine and other pests:

  • in warehouses where grain reserves are stored (packed in bags, placed open, covered with tarpaulin or film);
  • in vehicles used to transport grain;
  • in greenhouses where vegetables are grown.

Fumigants are also used for pre-planting treatment of seed grain material.

Phosphine-based fumigants are the most common means of protecting warehouse stocks.

The most important active ingredient worldwide, protecting products stored for over 70 years.

Wide range of applications:

  • Grains, processed grain products, cocoa, coffee, tobacco, dried fruits, oilseeds, spices, etc.

Positive properties:

  • high efficiency
  • no leftovers
  • lack of ecotoxicity.

Main active ingredients in fumigants:

  • aluminum phosphide
  • magnesium phosphide.

Difference between drugs based on magnesium phosphide:

  • temperature at which fumigation is carried out (phosphide acts at temperatures from 5 degrees)
  • faster gas release (3-4 days of fumigation with magnesium phosphide)
  • more complete disintegration of magnesium phosphide tablets
  • Tablets may disintegrate even at low atmospheric humidity.

Dosage and concentration of fumigant

The concentration of phosphine available for treatment after the introduction of a fumigant into an object or product depends on two factors:

  • Dosage used
  • Sealing quality

Dosage recommendations are provided by manufacturers and may be part of registration under national legislation. Regarding dosage and exposure period, it is important to note that the following factors play an important role in fumigation:

Temperature and humidity

They determine the rate of gas release from metal phosphide based compounds; cold and dry conditions slow down gas release

They affect the metabolism of harmful organisms - at low temperatures the metabolic rate slows down and the effect of phosphine is weakened.

Type of insect

The sensitivity of different insect species to phosphine varies.

Insect development stage

Insect developmental stage determines sensitivity: eggs and pupae are generally more resistant to phosphine than larvae and adults.

Resistant species

Increased resistance of insect species to phosphine may result from too low a dose and/or too short an exposure.

Fumigated products and packaging

The density and composition of the products to be fumigated determine the penetration of the fumigant. Some types of packaging (eg plastic film) can significantly slow down penetration - note: ventilation may also be slower due to packaging!


Gas losses that cannot be avoided by improving sealing should be compensated by higher dosage and/or longer exposure.

Different dose ranges and exposure periods take these factors into account. Well-trained and experienced fumigators should be able to make the right decision depending on the specific situation on site.

Features of fumigants

Fumigants are characterized by ease of use due to the fact that they can be applied in several ways, which are the most suitable:

  • manually;
  • using dispensers;
  • special probes, if it is necessary to protect large volumes of grain mounds.

Grain fumigants in some cases can be placed around the entire perimeter of the facility on pallets if it is necessary to protect a small amount of packaged flour or a small amount of grain.

The use of fumigants is guaranteed to ensure the destruction of pests (rodents, insects) at all stages of their development, within just a few days. At the same time, the products do not have a negative effect on the germination characteristics of the seed or grain quality.

Where to buy

The Spetstekhnologiya company offers to buy fumigant in Ukraine from German and other European manufacturers at a favorable price. Our online store presents certified drugs of original production.

Fumigants are sold in bulk, with prompt delivery of products throughout Ukraine.

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