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Stop Targaniv, cockroach gel

Stop Targaniv, cockroach gel

35.00 грн.
Aquatain (AMF)

Aquatain (AMF)

618.00 грн.
Fly ribbon

Fly ribbon

11.04 грн.
Lavender Moth Pills

Lavender Moth Pills

18.00 грн.

Insecticides are specially developed preparations consisting of chemicals whose main task is to destroy various species:

- plant pests, their eggs and larvae;

- household insects that carry diseases (flies, ticks, fleas, etc.).

A properly selected insecticide, depending on the type of insect for which it is intended, can effectively destroy both young pupae and adult individuals.


Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of insecticides against pests, which are classified according to various criteria.

By the nature of penetration into the body All drugs are divided into several groups.

Contact (penetrate through the outer integument). Their use helps to destroy harmful insects during external contact with any part of their body. Such drugs are dependent on precipitation and have a protective effect.

Intestinal type. By penetrating the intestinal system of insects through the digestive organs, they infect pests by absorbing poison into the body. Intended for insects with gnawing and sucking mouthparts.

Systemic type of impact. Such drugs enter the body of insects with poisoned food, so systemic insecticides are similar in their action to intestinal drugs.

Fumigants. Products that are used in the form of gas. They enter the body of harmful insects through the respiratory system. The preparations can also be used for disinfection of greenhouses and warehouses.

The drugs offered by modern manufacturers are often universal type insecticides that have several of the properties listed.

By type of impact on pests

All action. Used for the simultaneous destruction of various types of pests and insects.

Selective action. They are used only for one type of harmful insect. In turn, such insecticides are represented by several subcategories:

- anthelmintics (chemicals that destroy parasitic worms in animals and plants);

- nematicides (chemical preparations used to treat roundworm nematodes);

- acaricides (means that are used to kill ticks. They can be specific, acting only on ticks, or insectoacaricides, which also act on other insects, including ticks).

What insecticides exist

Pest repellents differ from each other in the presence of the main active ingredient in their composition, and are divided into several groups.

Containing avermectins. They are classified as insectoacaricidal with high efficiency, obtained through microbiological synthesis. The active ingredient of these drugs is avermectins. When pests enter the body, they cause irreversible damage to the nervous system of arthropods and destroy eggs of ticks and other insects. Products of this group are destroyed under the influence of natural factors from 5 to 7 days.

Contains pyrethroids (synthetic analogues of natural pyrethrins). They are also classified as highly effective modern drugs (derivatives of natural drugs based on pyrethrum). The drugs destroy cold-blooded animals by damaging their nervous system. The spectrum of action of such drugs is quite wide; after using the substances, no stains remain, and the drugs do not have a strong odor.

Containing organophosphorus compounds (OP). This group includes insecticides that are widely used in domestic conditions, in agronomy, and in garden plots.

Also, according to the form of release, insecticides are: liquid; in the form of gels; aerosols; powders; smoke generators (checkers); Depending on the form of release and the percentage of the active substance, as well as the hazard class, some insecticides are approved for use by the public, and some are sold exclusively to companies providing Pest Control services.

The Spetstekhnologiya company offers to buy highly effective preparations against pests of all types in Ukraine. Our online store offers a varied selection of insecticides of various effects, which are sold wholesale and retail.

The catalog contains a full range of products, and the price of each product item is also indicated. You can order insecticides with delivery in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine.

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