Destruction of ants

Disinfestation of ants is a necessary procedure if their population has increased on the site, as well as if these insects have appeared in an apartment, house or other premises. Ants are divided into wild and synanthropic (domestic). Households penetrate into the smallest holes in plaster and tiles, spoil food and contaminate the surface. Wild ones live in the garden, at the dacha, they damage lawns and bite painfully. Ants are also carriers of harmful microorganisms, fungi and bacteria. Processing methods Disinfestation of ants in an apartment, house or other premises, in a garden or summer cottage, is carried out using various techniques, which are selected depending on the characteristics and conditions of the procedure. Treatment with cold or hot fog. To produce fog, special equipment is used - generators. Fog is finely dispersed drops of working fluid, the basis of which is chemical agents for insect control. Cold fog has a temperature similar to the ambient temperature, its droplets are larger, so the substance remains in the air for about 3-4 hours. Hot fog is steam heated to at least 60 degrees Celsius, and differs from cold fog in its smaller droplet size. Therefore, it stays in the air for up to 10 hours. Both hot and cold mist penetrates into cracks, crevices and the most inaccessible places, effectively destroying ants. Fine spraying. Using a special sprayer, the area is irrigated with a working solution. The equipment can produce very fine, fine and medium sized droplets. When there are a small number of ants, for example in an apartment, insecticidal gels, aerosols, powders, and glue traps are used. Where to order ant extermination The extermination of ants is carried out by the company Spetstekhnologiya. You can order treatment from us for house ants in apartments, cottages, private houses and other premises, as well as in gardens and cottages. We offer competitive prices for pest control and provide a guarantee on our work. Our extermination service allows you to effectively get rid of ants by destroying the queen located in the center of the anthill. Professional disinfestation is carried out using certified long-acting insecticidal preparations, which ensure effective and safe destruction of ants.

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