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Killing flies
Killing flies
Killing flies allows you to get rid of annoying insects, which not only worsen the quality of life of people, but are also carriers of various bacteria that cause infectious diseases, helminths and other parasites.
Traditional means for catching flies in residential areas are adhesive tapes; insecticidal lamps are also installed in shops and other industrial premises.
In addition, disinsection of flies is carried out using a method using hot or cold fog technology, or the irrigation method. These methods of exterminating flying insects are used in the event of a severe infestation of an area with flies or a significant increase in the insect population.
Cold fog treatment
Cold fog consists of tiny droplets of working fluid with an insecticidal agent added to it. The temperature of the cold fog does not exceed the ambient temperature, hence the name.
Hot fog treatment
Treating an area against flies using hot fog involves treating the premises with an active substance that, when heated, becomes steam. It is produced by a hot fog generator and consists of tiny drops of a working insecticidal solution, the temperature of which is at least 60 degrees Celsius.
Irrigation of plots
This procedure is also called fine spraying. Using special equipment, the working fluid with an insecticidal preparation added to it is converted into very small, small or medium drops that densely cover the treated area.
Use of insecticides
Treating a site or home with insecticides. Our company offers the use of the Muskablue insecticide from a well-known European manufacturer.
Who specializes in fly control
Services for exterminating flies in residential and non-residential premises are provided by the company Spetstekhnologiya. The work is carried out in compliance with sanitary standards, using certified and high-quality chemicals.
We offer favorable prices for treatment, with a guarantee that the destruction of flies by our specialists will not only be effective, but also safe for people and pets.
The cost of the procedure depends on the area of the treated area, the complexity of the work, the drugs used and other factors. You can order disinfestation against flies on the website of our online store or by phone.