Moles control

Moles control

     Protection of vegetables, berry fields, flowerbeds and golf courses involves control of the "earth-moving" moles, water voles, etc. Earth hillocks "mole casts" give an idea of moles presence. And often this does not represent the facts.

    Water vole lives everywhere and not only near water reservoirs. Therefore, the first thing to be done at the sight of a damaged lawn is to find out who has paid a visit. For this purpose it is necessary to trample the earth hillocks down. If in one day the earth hillock is restored, this means it is not a mole. In this case vertical cuts should be made in hillocks' places between two other "mole casts". 30 to 50 g of any bait for rodents should be put into the cut. It should be then closed with cardboard cutout or small plank and covered with soil. For best results the bait should be moistened with water or some water should be poured on the compound's spot.

    Most importantly - the poisoned baits do not exterminate the moles.

    Moles are not rodents.

    These little animals are predators, and their food is live worms, beetles and larvae. Creating passages, they make their nests much deeper, up to 1.5 to 2 meters (4.9 to 6.6 feet) underground and build multitiered maze systems. The moles themselves are not rodents - they do not gnaw the plants, but CREATING PASSAGES IN THE SOIL, THEY UNDERMINE THEIR ROOTS UPWARDS, WHICH ARE THEN WITHERED. In search for food, they can damage the roots of trees, shruberries, fruit and berry plants, vegetables, ornamental flower plants, thus causing death to many plants, therefore moles' detriment can be quite extensive.

    Moles activities cause great damage to swards and lawns; they destroy almost the entire grass sods. Moles can quickly raze the whole garden landscape design. If perfectly trimmed lawns or tennis courts become infested with moles, in a couple of days not a trace of perfect lawns will remain. Restoring their original state might come to considerable financial expenses for lawn owners, ideally mowed lawns aficionados or tennis court proprietors.

    Moles are a significant problem for owners of suburban areas. These small soil-dwelling pests can cause significant damage to agricultural crops and spoil the appearance of a garden or homestead.

     There are several methods of controlling moles:

     Mole traps . The use of traps will be effective if there are only a small number of moles in the area. Mole traps are installed near active molehills after they are discovered.

    Electronic repellers. With this method, no harm is caused to the animals, since ultrasonic devices are absolutely safe; they simply drive rodents away from the territory.

      Use of special baits.

      Fumigants is often used to treat medium- and large-sized earthen areas.

     Treatment of all mole tunnels and burrows with gas, which drives moles to the surface for further catching. Work is carried out using weak chemicals that only drive pests to the surface, where they will be caught.

    There is a number of "folk methods" of mole control. They include flooding the mole tunnels, using "saucepan" traps, manufacturing various rotators and rattles, but their efficiency is not high. Sometimes odorous plants, like garlic, onion, pepper and others, are used for moles control. Whichever of the above mentioned "folk methods" of mole control is used, it does not give 100% effectiveness. As a rule, if the moles are disturbed, they move temporarily to a new location, but afterwards return to the place they take for their lived-in home.

    Therefore the best way to deal with moles is by using modern remedy - 'Phostoxin 45' (production of Detia Degesh) - mole and rodent killer. 'Phostoxin 45' tablets are thrown into the freshly opened molehills at a rate of 5 to 7 tablets per burrow, the open spaces are closed with stones, straw or something similar (in order not to strew the tablet with soil), then the earth is rammed so that to block animals' exits.

    It is also necessary for the tablets to be put into the passages, which can be detected by a probing rod in a radius of 3 meters (9.8 feet) from the molehill, as the mole rookery is usually located under the uncultivated area, either by having dug the entrance or by inserting the tablets into the opening made with a probing rod.

   Tablets, getting into tunnels that have been dug by the animals, start to outgas under the impact of moisture and oxygen inside the tunnels. Gas reaches the furthest corners of the extensive system. Animals that are underground receive a lethal dose of phosphine. It takes 20 to 30 minutes for the product response time starting from the first opening of the tin; during this time it is essential for the tablets to be fully distributed.

   For the best and effective results  the destruction of moles must be carried out by a special service that uses advanced techniques and the best drugs in its work.

    Mole control services in Kyiv are provided by our company Spetstekhnologiya. We take an individual approach to solving each client’s problems and select the most effective methods based on the characteristics of the territory.

    What do we offer to our clients

    You can order professional extermination of moles in your garden, garden and summer cottage on the website of our online store. We offer competitive prices for pest control procedures of any complexity. In our work we use products from the German concern “Detia Degesh”: “Phostoxin 45” and “MoulFree”.

    Our specialists will visit the site at a time convenient for the client. During the work, he will choose a methods of use that are effective and safe for people and pets.

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